Plains Camping

Two happy campers are out on an autumn night on the plains in North America. Animals have come from far and wide to hear the stories that are being shared by torchlight. Rats and raccoons, hares and bears, they are all stopping by to listen in.

Kids will love describing the animals, telling who the campers are, what stories they are telling, and imagining themselves tucked up in a sleeping bag, under the falling leaves and twinkling stars.

Buy This Poster €40 + P&P
Purchases are made on our partner site - Peecho. They securely handle ordering, printing and dispatch. Should the need arise, returns are handled by Looking & Telling.

The Details

This is some text inside of a div block.

Easy Framing

No-one wants an expensive frame in a kid's room. For that matter no-one wants a kid's cherished possession behind an easily broken pane of glass. That's why all our images are printed and cropped to 50 x 70 cm. That's the size of Ikea's most popular frame - the Ribba. It's cheap, practically disposable and has shock resisting Polystyrene instead of glass. 

The 50 x 70 cm size is also big enough that it feels giant in a room filled with things for little people. They'll get a kick out of their new picture. The frame is light, why not take it down and into bed for storytime?

No Frame? No problem.

Stick your poster straight to the wall, the paper is a durable poster paper.

Print Quality - Attention to Detail

For printing, Looking & Telling has partnered with Peecho, a print company based in the Netherlands. Each poster is output on request as a high definition digital print. As should be the case with posters for kids, the colours are bright. But kids are realists, we're not talking saccharine-sweet, candy-coated, condescending baby colours. Depending on the art, the posters have deep greys, mysterious darks and grittily enigmatic areas. This is really important to Looking & Telling - our art doesn't talk down to kids, it's about bringing them up!

Each artwork is originally created by hand using found textures, paint, ink, pencil and whatever comes to hand. It is all brought together and compiled digitally to create a unique vision, in stunning environments.


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Looking & Telling only completes online sales for the moment. That may change, but not any time soon.

How Do You Read a Picture?

If you aren't sure how to read a picture, relax, it's easy and fun. The beauty of images is they embrace multiple readings. That's a nice way of saying you can't go wrong.

How does it make you feel? Is it exciting? What's your favourite colour? Who is this guy/girl here, and what is he/she going to do next? Where is this picture set? Ask simple questions and a child's fertile imagination will take over. If you want out find out more, this is a good place to start reading about visual literacy and reading pictures...

Visual literacy - explaining an image